Semifinalist Spotlight: Wendy Q. Xiao '21

February 25, 2021

Wendy Q. Xiao is a 3L who calls both Oak Park, California, and Beijing, China, home. She has been competing in the competition though from the former (Oak Park, California). 

Wendy has been arguing on behalf of the relator, Tanya Moore, throughout the competition.

We asked Wendy a few questions about her experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year. Here are her responses:

Stone Director: Why did you choose to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition?

Xiao: This is actually my second go at the Stone Moot Court Competition! Last year, I signed up because I was told my brief would be a good clerkships writing sample. I did in fact use the brief for a writing sample, but also found that I immensely enjoyed moot court and the fast paced, on-your-toes style of arguing. I'm very excited to be back and to continue to improve.

Stone Director: What was the first thing you did after your last oral argument during the Qualifying Round?

Xiao: I had my Qualifying Round arguments back-to-back, so it was quite late when I was finished. I immediately wandered out into my kitchen for a little midnight snack. This was around Halloween, and my very sweet roommate had bought me a pumpkin pie to celebrate finishing the Qualifying Round. I didn't eat all of the pie, but probably did eat more than I should have. Such are the pros (and cons) of completing an oral argument from home!

Want to know more about Wendy?

Check out her LinkedIn and Instagram!

Congratulations, Wendy, and good luck in the Semifinal Round!