2022-2023 Semifinalist Profile: Julia Konstantinovsky '24

February 15, 2023
Image of Julia Konstantinovsky '24.

Julia Konstantinovsky is a 2L from Los Angeles, California. Julia represented the Appellee in both the Qualifying and Semifinal Rounds, and will continue to do so in the Final Round.

We asked Julia a few questions about her experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year:

Stone Director: Why did you choose to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition?

Konstantinovsky: I decided to enter the Stone Competition for the practice and because I greatly enjoyed Foundation Moot Court, especially the written advocacy portion of the program (thanks to Judge Statsinger, my 1L LPW professor). After externing at a Court of Appeals last summer, and reading many appellate briefs, I was excited to try my hand at effective advocacy again. The oral advocacy element of the Competition has been an exciting challenge for me, and hearing the judges' feedback was incredibly instructive. I look forward to the semi-final rounds!

Stone Director: What is the first thing you did after your last oral argument during the Qualifying Round?

Konstantinovsky: I had both of my Qualifying Round arguments on the same night, back-to-back, so I was really tired when I got home. I had a big bowl of spaghetti (my comfort food), called my best friend, and went to bed.


Congratulations, Julia, and good luck in the Final Round!