2022-2023 Semifinalist Profile: Conor Regan '23

February 15, 2023
Image of Conor Regan '23.

Conor Regan is a 3L from Boston, Massachusetts. He has represented the Appellant, Mr. Wood, throughout the competition and will continue to do so in the Final Round.

We asked Conor a few questions about his experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year:

Stone Director: What has been your favorite part of the Stone Competition so far?

Regan: Unoriginal, but the oral argument! The engagement with judges is exciting and challenging; one learns something about their argument every time despite having already spent weeks on the brief and preparation.

Stone Director: Name one interesting thing you *didn't* know about your Stone partner going into the competition.

Regan: Alex has a fierce oral argument style, constructively combative! It's his litigator alter-ego.

Stone Director: Why did you choose to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition?

Regan: In my view court room, high-stakes oral argument is the best part of being a lawyer, so naturally I wanted to participate in Stone and develop oral argument skills that are not always honed in typical law school classroom settings.


Congratulations, Conor, and good luck in the Final Round!