2022-2023 Semifinalist Profile: Habib-Emmanuel Abraham '23

February 15, 2023
Image of Habib-Emmanuel Abraham '23.

Habib-Emmanuel Abraham is a 3L from Washington, DC. He has represented the Appellant throughout the competition.

We asked Habib a few questions about his experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year:

Stone Director: Why did you choose to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition?

Abraham: I participated in the competition because I wanted to get comfortable thinking on my feet while answering questions. Plus, I enjoy research and brief writing. And I knew this opportunity would allow me to hone those skills.

Stone Director: Walk us through how you prepare for oral arguments. Do you have any routines or practices you've stuck with throughout the competition?

Abraham: Before oral arguments, I read my opposing counsel's brief. I usually write down their key points. And I think of a rebuttal for each of their key issues. Generally, I'll write a strong one-liner for each issue. And then I'll ask a couple of friends to moot my classmate and me before competing. On the day of the oral argument, I don't moot; I usually try to relax by working out. And I take a nice hot shower two hours before the competition. Again, to calm my nerves. Last but not least, choose the right fit to compete with confidence.

Stone Director: What has been your favorite part of the Stone Competition so far?

Abraham: I truly enjoyed listening to my peers on the other side argue. My competitors were incredibly talented. And seeing them shine encouraged me to step my game up.

Stone Director: Anything else you'd like to tell us (or the world)?

Abraham: Don't be afraid being uncomfortable. Because the more you do it, the more comfortable you'll get.


Congratulations, Habib!