2022-2023 Semifinalist Profile: Alexander (Alex) Herkert '23

February 15, 2023
Image provided by Alex Herkert.

Alexander (Alex) Herkert is a 3L from Orono, Minnesota. He has represented the Appellant, Mr. Wood, throughout the competition and will continue to do so in the Final Round.

We asked Alex a few questions about his experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year:

Stone Director: What has been your favorite part of the Stone Competition so far?

Herkert: As the appellant, my favorite part has been standing up for the rebuttal argument. It is exciting to have a chance to respond to the arguments of the other side in real time, and hammer home a couple important points just before the oral argument ends.

Stone Director: What other moot court experiences have you had and how has that/have those prepared you for this competition? What is different (either about the competition or about yourself)?

Herkert: During my externship on the Second Circuit, I got a chance to do a moot argument before a second circuit judge and his clerks. While it was intimidating to make my first argument in front a federal judge, the bench was not nearly as "hot" as those in the Stone competition!

Stone Director: What is the first thing you did after your last oral argument during the Qualifying Round?

Herkert: Ate a lot of the provided cookies- thanks to the organizers!


Congratulations, Alex, and good luck in the Final Round!