Semifinalist Spotlight: Samuel Truesdell '21

February 24, 2021
Photo of Samuel Truesdell '21.

Samuel Truesdell is a 3L from Cambridge, Massachusetts, though he has been competing from his apartment here in New York City.

He has represented the Government throughout the competition.

We asked Sam a few questions about his experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year. Here are his responses:

Stone Director: Why did you choose to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition?

Truesdell: I was a competitor in the Native American Law Students Association (NALSA) Moot Court during my 1L year, and I loved the experience. I wanted to compete in the Stone Moot Court competition to practice my brief-writing skills and get more comfortable with public speaking.

Stone Director: What has been your favorite part of the Stone Competition so far?

Truesdell: The Stone Moot Court problem itself is great! I have really enjoyed getting to learn all about the False Claims Act, the CARES Act, and what standard courts have applied to government motions to dismiss qui tam suits. I think there are strong statutory and constitutional arguments on both sides.

Stone Director: Zoom Arguments: Love them or hate them?

Truesdell: Public speaking makes me pretty nervous, but it helps to be able to argue from my desk at home. On the other hand, I think it can be more difficult to read the room and get a sense of what is working with judges over Zoom.

Want to know more about Sam?

Check out his LinkedIn!

Congratulations, Sam, and good luck in the Semifinal Round!