Semifinalist Spotlight: Ruth Hirsch '21

February 23, 2021

Ruth Hirsch is a 3L from Baltimore, Maryland, though she has been competing from her apartment here in New York City. 

Over the course of the competition, Ruth has argued for both parties, first on behalf of Government in the qualifying round, and most recently for the relator, Tanya Moore, in the semifinal round. Both sides say she's relatable as counsel.

We asked Ruth a few questions about her experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year:

Stone Director: What has been your favorite part of the Stone Competition so far?

Hirsch: I've really enjoyed oral arguments, especially seeing how everyone I've argued against thinks about the issues in the problem.

Stone Director: Zoom Arguments: Love them or hate them?

Hirsch: I actually don't hate them! I think the format works pretty well. Although I am afraid I'll forget to unmute (or forget to mute when I'm done speaking!).


Congratulations, Ruth, and good luck in the Semifinal Round!