Semifinalist Spotlight: Matthew Clarida '21

February 24, 2021
Photo of Matthew Clarida '21.

Matthew Clarida is a 3L from Fairfield, Connecticut, though he has been competing from his apartment in Washington, DC. 

Over the course of the competition, Matt has represented both parties, first on behalf of the Government in the qualifying round, and then most recently for relator Tanya Moore in the semifinal round. You might say then that Matt is incredibly well-rounded.

We asked Matt a few questions about his experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year:

Stone Director: Why did you choose to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition?

Clarida: I wanted the practice. I hope to argue a lot of cases during my career, but it will be years before I'm able to lead a team on a constitutional appeal. I now have that opportunity (although it is a team of one). Another reason I chose to participate was that Stone is a big community event at Columbia. I remember attending as a 1L in a packed lecture hall in Jerome Greene. Whether or not I make it, I hope this year's Stone Finals are able to bring our school together virtually.

Stone Director: What has been your favorite part of the Stone Competition so far?

Clarida: [This year's Stone] director, Jillian Williams, led the creation of an outstanding problem. I used my first-round brief as a writing sample for clerkship applications, and was eventually hired by a judge who had recently authored a decision on the legal question raised in the Stone competition. During our interview, he mentioned seeing his opinion cited in my brief and said he had enjoyed reading a writing sample on such a live issue. Credit to Jillian for identifying a problem that a lot of judges are thinking about. This gave research[ing] and writing an added feel of excitement, and helped me secure a clerkship.

Stone Director: Thank you. That's great to hear. Though I feel the need to mention that we did not pay you say that on my behalf. [Laughter]. Anything else you'd like to tell us, or the world?

Clarida: Thanks to all who worked to make this a fun experience during our virtual academic year. And thanks to Judge Steven Statsinger, my 1L legal writing professor, and Jonathan Mitnick, my 1L legal writing TA.

Want to know more about Matt?

Check out his reporting for the Harvard Crimson here!

Congratulations, Matt, and good luck in the Semifinal Round!