Semifinalist Spotlight: Madeleine Durbin '21

February 22, 2021

Madeleine ("Maddi") Durbin is a 3L from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She has been arguing on behalf of relator Tanya Moore, throughout the competition, for whom she says she "loves arguing."

We asked Maddi a few questions about her experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year. Here are her responses:

Stone Director: Why did you choose to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition?

Durbin: I decided to participate in Stone because my partner, Freya Jamison '21, and I were moot court partners our 1L year on the LaLSA Refugee and Asylum Law Moot Court team. We really enjoyed working together as a team, so we decided to join up again as 3Ls to moot together again!

Stone Director: Zoom Arguments: Love them or hate them?

Durbin:  I will say, I don't dislike them as much as I thought that I would, but I'm still not sure I can say that I love them. I really enjoy feeding off the energy in the room, and the dynamics of the judges, which is harder to get on Zoom than in person. I also had a moment of spotty internet and cut out mid-argument during a round last November, which was definitely not ideal. I also miss being able to sit at a table with my partner, to try to work out rebuttal together. The one thing I do like is that turning off cameras when not arguing does provide a great opportunity to relax when you're not "on," whereas in person you have to maintain the same sort of demeanor for the full hour which can sometimes be a little exhausting. Overall, I definitely miss mooting in person, but I don't think virtual arguments have been as difficult an adjustment as I had feared they might be!

Want to know more about Maddi?

Check out her LinkedIn!

Congratulations, Maddi, and good luck in the Semifinal Round!