Semifinalist Spotlight: Freya Jamison '21

February 22, 2021

Freya Jamison is a 3L from Olympia, Washington, though she has been arguing from her apartment in New York City.

She has been arguing on behalf of the relator, Tanya Moore, throughout the competition.

We asked Freya a few questions about her experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year. Here are her responses:

Stone Director: What has been your favorite part of the Stone Competition so far?

Jamison: My favorite part of the Stone Competition so far has been working with Maddi Durbin, who was my partner in the LaLSA Refugee & Asylum Law Moot Court Competition as a 1L. Our speaking styles are very different, and I’ve learned a lot from watching her argue!

Stone Director: Walk us through how you prepare for oral arguments. Do you have any routines or practices you've stuck with throughout the competition?

Jamison: I practice my introduction, transitions between main points, and conclusion with my eyes closed to make sure I have them memorized. Pre-planning these parts of the argument allows me to rely less on my notes and trust in my knowledge and preparation.

Want to know more about Freya?

Check her out on LinkedIn and Instagram!

Congratulations, Freya, and good luck in the Semifinal Round!