Semifinalist Spotlight: Connor Clerkin '21

February 22, 2021

Connor Clerkin is a 3L from New York, New York, which happens to also be from where he's been logging onto Zoom for the competition. 

He has been arguing on behalf of the Government throughout the competition with his partner, Samuel E. Weitzman '21. The two signed up together in October and have been paired for both the Qualifying and Semifinal rounds.

We asked Connor a few questions about his experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year:

Stone Director: Why did you choose to participate in the Stone Competition this year?

Clerkin: I competed last year and really enjoyed the opportunity to get some more experience with oral argument and thinking on my feet. The brief-writing was fun too, but the arguments are the most fun part by far.

Stone Director: Zoom Arguments: Love them or hate them?

Clerkin: I go back and forth on Zoom arguments. They're less stressful for sure but they also feel less exciting. It feels less exposing to not have to stand at a podium with only whatever papers you bring up with you to rely on since when you're at your computer it's easier to tab over for a record cite or to refer to an outline without being so obvious about it.

Want to know more about Connor?

Check out his LinkedIn!

Congratulations, Connor, and good luck in the Semifinal Round!