Semifinalist Spotlight: Connie Lee '21

February 23, 2021

Connie Lee is a 3L from Houston, Texas, though she has been competing from her apartment here in New York City. 

She has represented the Government throughout the competition. (Good thing too since Connie emphatically says she "likes the side [she's] on!").

We asked Connie a few questions about her experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year:

Stone Director: What has been your favorite part of the Stone Competition so far?

Lee: It's been so much more instructive than I expected to just practice oral arguments and receive feedback from the judges. I felt like I improved my speaking skills just after the first qualifying round. Really grateful that the judges volunteered their time to give us this learning experience.

What can be seen in your Zoom box or background during oral arguments?

A blank wall (and I redecorate my room before oral arguments to achieve this; otherwise you would see my bed and my mediocre interior design skills).

Walk us through how you prepare for oral arguments. Do you have any routines or practices you've stuck with throughout the competition?

I write an outline of my main arguments and responses to anticipated questions. Most of these outlines start with a verbatim introduction (may it please the court, my name is Connie Lee...) just in case I forget my own name or something. No, I can't explain it rationally.

Want to know more about Connie?

Check her out on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

Congratulations, Connie, and good luck in the Semifinal Round!