Semifinalist Spotlight: Benjamin Apfel '21

February 24, 2021

Benjamin Apfel is a 3L from Teaneck, New Jersey, though he has been competing from his apartment here in New York City.

He has been arguing on behalf of the relator, Tanya Moore, throughout the competition.

We asked Benjamin a few questions about his experience competing in the Stone Moot Court Competition this year. Here are his responses:

Stone Director: Why did you choose to participate in the Stone Moot Court Competition?

Apfel: I like that Stone Moot Court has helped me cultivate litigation skills that I don't get the opportunity to work on in the classroom setting. Few things in law school substitute for the thrust and parry of oral arguments or the storytelling involved in crafting a statement of facts.

Stone Director: Zoom Arguments: Love them or hate them?

Apfel: I have really enjoyed Zoom arguments so far. Last year I received a handful of comments by the judges regarding my "expressive" gesticulations. Being restricted to a tiny box on zoom has helped curb that habit!

Stone Director: Walk us through how you prepare for oral arguments. Do you have any routines or practices you've stuck with throughout the competition?

Apfel: I listen to the real-life oral arguments from cases at the center of the issue I will be arguing about. I try to make my arguments clear enough to someone with little familiarity with the record and the law. My wife kindly volunteers to listen to me moot for her and provides helpful feedback.

Want to know more about Benjamin?

Check out his LinkedIn!

Congratulations, Benjamin, and good luck in the Semifinal Round!