QTPOC Mission Statement
Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPOC) is an student organization at Columbia Law School dedicated to empowering and building community with QTPOC students and the broader community.
We exist to celebrate the beauty and advocate for the wellbeing of QTPOC people. Our members live across a range of sexual orientations, gender identities and racial and ethnic backgrounds. This organization provides opportunities to learn, collaborate and support one another. We create a space to relax and recharge where we can tap into our collective joy. We provide opportunities to be stumped and to experience breakthroughs.
QTPOC knows that our strength is in our community. With that in mind, our primary focus is on building relationships. We focus on creating opportunities to connect with one another and alumni, professors, practitioners and cultural leaders. We partner with and support community organizations. We raise awareness about the issues that impact our communities including state violence, immigration and discrimination.
QTPOC is a place to center the perspectives, ideas and lived experiences of queer and trans people of color. We believe there is transformative power in our togetherness.