Constitution and By-Laws of Koleinu: Law Students For Israel of the Columbia University School of Law
I. Name of the Organization
The name of the organization is Koleinu: Law Students For Israel.
II. Purpose
The purpose of the organization is to inform the Columbia University School of Law community with regard to issues facing the State of Israel, and to provide information about Israeli law and practice.
III. Governmental Structure
A. Requirements for Membership
Membership in Koleinu: Law Students For Israel is open to all interested Columbia University School of Law students.
B. Requirements for Holding Office
To be eligible to be a Koleinu: Law Students For Israel officer, a student must be a Koleinu: Law Students For Israel member and must plan to be enrolled in the law school for the full period of his/her prospective term as an officer.
C. Duties and Powers of Each Office
There shall be four officers of Koleinu: Law Students For Israel: a President, a Vice President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary.
D. Procedures for Arriving at Policy Decisions
Policy decisions will be made by a majority vote of the Koleinu: Law Students For Israel officers. In the event of a tie vote, the President’s vote shall be dispositive.
E. Procedures for the Selection and Removal of Officers
Officers will be elected by the Koleinu: Law Students For Israel members as a group at the end of each spring semester. Officers will serve terms of one academic year, running from the end of spring semester exams to the end of the following year's spring semester exams. An officer may be removed from office by a unanimous vote of the other officers. Vacant offices, whether they be a result of the removal of an officer or an officer's resignation, will be filled by a student elected by the Koleinu: Law Students For Israel membership.
F. Non-Discrimination Policy
Koleinu: Law Students For Israel's membership and leadership shall be open to all Columbia Law School students without regard to race, ethnicity, color, national origin, age, handicap or disability, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, political affiliation, or the general exercise of a student's right of free speech or association.