Empowering Women of Color at Columbia Law School (EWOC) is proud to announce our Sixth Annual Women of Color Conference: “Lifting As We Climb: Building Community & Advancing Diversity.” Through panels and discussions at this year’s Conference, we hope to highlight women of color as driving influences in corporations, law firms, nonprofits, government, and activist movements, and illuminate the challenges that women of color face in the legal field, exploring how women of color can empower society, each other, and themselves.
This year, EWOC's Conference provides a timely opportunity, for students and legal professionals alike, to look to the future, to hear from women who are having impact, and to introspect about the kind of impact they would like to have going forward. By bringing together individuals from the legal field and beyond, the Conference aims to impart important knowledge, advice and tools that Columbia law students can use in their future professional and personal pursuits, and to implement their visions for the future.
We hope that this year's Conference will remind students that there is no limit to what they can accomplish with their JDs and inspire them to think about how they can shape the future and give back to their communities. We also hope that the Conference will further preserve EWOC's mission of supporting and championing women of color, and strengthen the commitment to empowering one another and building community.
To attend out conference, please RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCEcu7e2Fh3B3G3fo_Xu8ccXL5LdUTpyQCY-wJOPUckQWFxQ/viewform